Seniors Considering Retirement or Coming Out of Retirement
Organizations & Businesses
Anyone Wanting to Work at "Life Reimagined" or their Bucket List
Life. How does it Measure Up?
3 Steps to Determine Where You Are In Your Life: Do You Need a T.K.O. ( Touch-Up; Kick- Start; Over-Haul)
Life is a Given. Living is a Choice.
Find out what makes one excited about living. This can help to define your purpose; and having a purpose leads to a happier life. Take NOTE: Opportunity to JOIN THE HAPPINESS MOVEMENT
Youth Leadership Training
Program for middle & high school students; and youth groups. This program introduces 40 Developmental Assets (Peter Benson- Search Institute) which help to strengthen positive qualities that influence youth development. This helps them to become caring, responsible, and productive citizens.
Additional Services
Ribbons of Hope
Various colors representing the different types of cancer are attached to a miniature umbrella
An artificial white daisy flower with a quote of encouragement
H.A.P.E. HOUR: Hosting After-hour Party-style Entertainment
Simple everyday fun using board games & timed activities from childhood (available through Contract)
Personal Event Planning to celebrate "your life"
GAMES - 2 - GO
Competitive individual & group activities with prizes (great fun for adults vs. youth)